~/ portfolio >

Hey! I'm Siddarth Dagar, and welcome to my website. This was initially just a place to store info and the like, but I decided to put in some elbow grease , and this is the result! I study at University of Toronto, in the Arts and Science Program. I'm (fingers crossed) pursuing a Computer Science Specialist and Math Major at Trinity College.

The purpose of this website is to offer you insight about who I am, what I offer, and some other background information about me. The current projects listed on my main page are what I am presently working on. However, feel free to contact me to inquire about potential projects, work, internships or research opportunities. You can get my resume > here <!

I would love to chat!

~/ hobbies >

Although I almost entirely focus on machine learning and AI, I do dabble in other areas like web design and pixel art. Right now, I'm working

rendering 3D objects in Blender